Easy, Healthy Postpartum Snack for New Parents

Healthy postpartum food

Baby Moon Bliss Bits

(Babymoon is a term that British childbirth educator Sheila Kitzinger coined to describe time alone with your new baby during the early hours and days after the birth. It also happens to be the business name Melinda used prior to becoming Calm and Confident Doula Care)


2 c dried fruit, chopped

1/4 c protein powder

4 1/2 c mixed roasted, salted mixed nuts

1 c sesame seeds

1/4 c flax seeds

¾ c pumpkin seeds

1/2 c sunflower seeds

3/8 c honey

1/4 c blackstrap molasses

1/8 c cooking oil

Mix dried fruit with protein powder to coat.  Add all other dry ingredients and mix well.  Gently warm sugars and oil until thinned.  Add to dry ingredients and stir until moistened.  Pour into a very well greased 9 x 13 baking pan.  Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes.  Remove from the pan before it’s completely cooled or you’ll have to chip it out.


I love this simple recipe for postpartum snacking on so many levels. First let’s deconstruct the ingredients a bit:

Dried fruit- you can choose anything here, but some choices are healthier than others. I prefer dried fruit without sulfur dioxide (may be labeled as sulfites and used to preserve color- so if your dried fruit doesn’t look pretty, it is more likely to be free of this preservative) or sweeteners (added for extra flavor generally, but really not needed, especially in this recipe which has additional sweeteners below). Apricots may have some benefit for increasing milk supply, dark skinned fruits for anti-oxidants.

Protein Powder- a few nurslings may protest dairy in their mother’s diet- if this is the case for your little one, be mindful of your choice here. If you are wanting to increase milk supply substituting brewer’s yeast in here may be beneficial. If you are an overproducer—don’t do brewer’s yeast.

Nuts- certainly raw, unsalted is better for you. I like the flavor that roasted and salted brings- giving the bliss bits a combination of sweet and salty. Almonds may be good for milk production, walnuts are good for providing some essential fatty acids (https://www.babycenter.com/0_essential-fatty-acids-in-your-childs-diet_10324690.bc).

Sesame seeds fill in the gaps on this recipe but may also be a mild galactagogue (substances that increases milk supply).  

The flax seeds here are a good source of omega 3s (http://www.webmd.com/diet/features/benefits-of-flaxseed#1) and fiber.

The honey and blackstrap molasses (good source of iron)  add a bit of sweetness and hold the bits together.


So that’s the ingredients. Another reason I love this recipe is that it fits in to postpartum real life quite well, with the regular and frequent interruptions of activities that babies provide, it can be put together over a period of time as one stops to tend to their child (I was interrupted at least five times while making the batch for the blog photo and I don’t even have a baby in the house!). It’s also really easy to grab a bit of bliss bits one handed while holding baby or nursing, and get some healthy food in to you. And finally—it just tastes good- excellent even when rolled in to yogurt!

