In-Home Education


in the comfort of your own home...

Private birth and postpartum education is available, in your home on the topics of your choice. Melinda has been supporting families for more than ten years and is happy to provide information to meet your needs.

Some possible topics you may want to learn more about:

  • pain coping skills (breathing, positions, relaxation, feeling good)
  • pain medication options (benefits, differences, trade-offs).
  • positions and activities for an efficient and uncomplicated birth (see “Get That Baby Out”)
  • informed consent— what are my options, what questions to ask when making decisions
  • common procedures and what to expect from the medical management of labor (induction, epidural, C-Section, etc.)
  • emotional support for labor
  • how to be a great labor support person 
  • postpartum physical recovery
  • breastfeeding
  • learning to understand your baby’s cues
  • newborn care
  • prevention, signs and home support for postpartum depression and anxiety
  • navigating the transition of bringing a baby into your relationship